Welcome to The Editor's Wastebasket - a site dedicated to tabletop RPGs and a broad range of systems. I started this site when I was a prolific player of Palladium Books' games, the Rifts RPG in particular. Post-college, I played a mix of Palladium games and Dungeons & Dragons, Revised 3rd Edition (aka D&D 3.5). After that, things became a bit murky as I sought other systems and, in some cases, write some of my own titles (you should check out Apokalyptic Publishing if you're so inclined).

A Forever GM, I have been running all things Savage Worlds since 2008, with my gateway drug being 50 Fathoms (because who doesn't enjoy a great pirate-themed roleplaying game?). Since then, I've also played and run games using TinyD6 (Gallant Knight Games), AGE System (Green Ronin Games), and now spend my game planning time either running some of my favorite old settings using a new system (such as Dragonstar for D&D 3.5, but run using Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition and the updated Fantasy Companion) or cobbling together epic high fantasy adventures in my own setting (coming "soon" from Apokalyptic Publishing).

If you like what I'm doing here, you can buy me a coffee to support my efforts!

Tabletop RPG Resources

BreachworldMini Six


Breach Creature: Harriers

 I'm tellin' ya, Sarge. I ain't never seen a Tusk tore apart like that, flailin' about even as the things cut him to ribbons.- Corporal Jonathan Fisher, Hood 3rd Infantry Group, After Action Report #FH-9862-689-03 Harriers are bird-like creatures that hunt in packs. Their exact color varies, but…

BreachworldMini Six


Map: Oasis & Vicinity

Oasis & Immediate Vicinity

BreachworldMini Six

Allies & Adversaries

Key Figures in Queen's Ranch

Queen's Ranch was first home to the Queen family and has continued to be so for generations after the Fall. The family's story is both tragic and heroic. These are the stats I created for the Queen family that you can use to get started with the family as an antagonist to your player…

BreachworldMini Six

Setting Expansion

Queen's Ranch & the Town of Oasis

Queen's Ranch is a small homestead controlled by Mathias Queen and his three children. It lies nearly a week's journey south of the Great Barrier Wall - what was once known as the Mogollon Rim - near the western edge of the Valley of the Coyote. Before The Great Death, the city of Phoenix and it's…

BreachworldMini Six


Shape Shifter Feats

I originally posted these on the Google+ Breachworld community (RIP) as one way to handle shape shifting and introduce some horrific elements to the game. I opted to make the Shape Shifter an advanced class with access to a special category of Aether feats. Here is the complete list and the shape…

BreachworldMini Six


Advanced Class: Shape Shifter

 I.. I don't know, sir. It was a man when he charged us, an enormous, bipedal wolf when it tore out Baker's throat. I just ran after that.- Sergeant Damian Shaw, 2nd Recon Group, New Caldera Expeditionary Forces Court Martial Hearing It's been difficult to pin down the exact origin of the Shape…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055

World View of Superhumans

In 2055, technology has changed and humanity is different. Aliens and cyborgs are commonplace, but not everyone accepts these changes.   Aliens Some alien races have found earthlings to be a devious, conniving blemish on the face of the galaxy. Members of races with this attitude are found on…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055


There are many factions at work behind the scenes in 2055. Some work with existing governments, while others seek to tear them down. The Platinum Order The Platinum Order is a mysterious organization of psychics. The society remains secret, as do the identities and number of their members. The…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055


Technology has changed significantly since the dawn of the 21st century, with superb leaps made in medical, genetic, computer, and environmental research. Genetics Genetics have served the health care industry well, particularly after the completion and full verification of the Human Genome…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055

NAF Corporations

Below are just a few of the corporations present in the NAF. Unless otherwise stated, each corporation is a member of the NAF zaibatsu. HyperNet Multimedia Daniel Setzka started HyperNet Multimedia fifty years ago. He was a young entrepreneur then, now his patience and diligent work ethic has…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055

NAF Society & Culture

The North American Federation can be considered a shadow of what it once was. When the U.S. government declared bankruptcy, society nearly broke down in the interim. Riots and looting were commonplace until the NAF police force, called G-Police, was in place. While the overall quality of life in…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055

NAF Government

The North American Federation (NAF), while still a democracy in practice, has become more of an aristocracy. When the NAF took control of the U.S. and Canadian governments, they took over control of all federal, state, and local agencies. Every law had to be rewritten and the system of government…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055

World Overview

What follows is a very brief, work-in-progress overview of the world of Heroes Unlimited in 2055. At the time of writing, I extrapolated on actual news headlines and speculated on potential outcomes. These are by no means the only possible outcome. North American Federation (NAF) System…

Heroes UnlimitedPalladium

Heroes 2055


What follows is an abbreviated timeline of events with historical signifcance in the Heroes 2055 setting. Any events in italics are specific to my own campaign (you can discard them if they do not fit into your own campaign's mythos). 14,000 B.C.E. Atlanteans first encounter Dark Ones;…


Setting Expansion

Ustalav Factions

The powers that be in Ustalav are many. Roaming bands of orcs and gnolls fight for space in the Tusk Mountains, while the lizard tribes are increasingly coming to blows with the humans of Lepidstadt over what has traditionally been their territory. The shadows of Ustalav, and County Lozeri in…


Setting Expansion

Key Places in Ustalav

During a recent Pathfinder campaign, I used several key locations. Here's a few of them for use in your own campaign. Neplyuev Stones The Neplyuev Stones is a small circle of stones located in the the Shudderwood border marshes at the eastern edge of Vieland County. The massive stones bear a…


Allies & Adversaries

Personalities of Ustalav

Here are a few key personalities from a recent Pathfinder campaign set in Ustalav. Lev Mokashev Dwarf, Ftr7/Exp4 A stout dwarf native to Vieland, he retired from adventuring early after suffering a permanently withered right arm. Lev grew up in Lepidstadt, his family working as a liaison between…



Secrets & Riddles

This campaign is set in Ustalav, a fog-shrouded land infested by all manner of horrific creatures. In Vieland, the northwestern-most county, a gray sky pelts the ground with a steady rain and a thick mist dulls the echo of footsteps on cobblestone avenues. Our story begins at the University of…

Scarred LandsDnd

Allies & Adversaries

Isarn of Burok-Torn

Isarn was recently accused of murder in Hollowfaust. Though later proven innocent, his incarceration left him shaken. He departed Hollowfaust on the pretense of returning home to Burok-Torn, but the scars he carries may guide him in other directions. As of the 19th or Corot, 150 AV, Isarn travels…


Setting Expansion

The Black Hands

The Black Hand is an assassin's guild operating in Timiro and Land of the South Winds, though they have recently begun to expand their operations thanks to help from a, virtually unknown, force in the Land of the Damned. The Black Hand is a very secretive organization and the fact that an…

Star WarsD20Characters

Allies & Adversaries

Ventik Corliss

Corliss is a character I'm playing in the Threat of the Empire game in the Campaign Center. This is my first experience with the d20 version of Star Wars, but my second run-in with the RPG (I played the old West End Games version some time back). My boss let me borrow all his Jedi-related stuff so…



Adventure Seeds

The following are very basic, undeveloped ideas that have crossed my mind for possible Dragonstar campaigns. Dragonstar is a very cool sci-fi game using the "classic" races from D&D. It's published by Fantasy Flight Games and is, IMO, one of the best d20 products out there. As I write this, I…



The Return of Nogrustru

This campaign is based out of the Timiro Kingdom and the Old Kingdom (and could lead to adventures in a number of other regions in the world). I've actually got a bit more to this, but it was becoming very specific to my own campaign world. What is presented here is a more basic version that should…


Setting Expansion

Royal Timiro Calendar

I ended up completely laying out the Timiro Calendar during some of my Palladium Fantasy RPG campaigns years ago. Current Year: 1782 TR (Timiro Record), 5823 WR (Western Record), 18,223 EC (Elven Calendar), 71,345 DC (Dwarven Calendar)   Hours of the Day 1: Hour of the Tiger 2: Hour of the…


Setting Expansion

Monastic Orders

Monks come in all varieties. There are those that promote peace and scholarly pursuits, represented by the Monk Scholar O.C.C. (see Book 2: Old Ones, p.14 for more information on this O.C.C.), and those of a militant nature who seek to destroy evil, represented by the Warrior Monk O.C.C. (see the…