
Shape Shifter Feats

I originally posted these on the Google+ Breachworld community (RIP) as one way to handle shape shifting and introduce some horrific elements to the game. I opted to make the Shape Shifter an advanced class with access to a special category of Aether feats. Here is the complete list and the shape shifter will follow.

Shape Shifter Feat List


  • Animal Attribute: Agility
  • Animal Attribute: Might
  • Heightened Hearing
  • Heightened Smell
  • Hybrid Form
  • Night Vision


  • Alter Appearance
  • Alter Voice
  • Impersonation

Feat Descriptions

Alter Appearance

TN: 11
Duration: Concentration
Range: Self
Resisted: None

The Shape Shifter can alter his facial features and mass (+/- 50 lbs/25 kg). While it can change his or her looks, it does not allow the degree of control necessary to imitate a specific individual.

Anyone scrutinizing the Shape Shifter must make a Search skill roll opposed by the Shape Shifter's Wit +2 to identify the disguise.

Special: Degree of Success

If using the Degree of Success Benefit optional rule, for each degree of success (every 5 points rolled over the TN) above Solid on the Shape Shifter's Epic skill roll, the Shape Shifter may add one additional pip to their opposed Wit roll to escape discovery.

Example: Gabriel, a Shape Shifter, has a Wit attribute of 4D. Having just picked the pocket of an Arena Guardsman, he ducked into an alleyway to escape, but was followed. He quickly alters his appearance using this feat and rolls a 16 on his Epic skill roll. The Arena Guardsman must make an opposed Search roll against Gabriel's Wit + 1D (+2 for the initial success on his Epic skill roll and +1 pip, resulting in a full +1D, for the Good degree of success).

Alter Voice

TN: 11
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self
Resisted: Wit

The Shape Shifter can alter the pitch of his or her voice to match their appearance. This feat does now allow the degree of control necessary to imitate a specific individual.

Anyone attempting to detect deception must make a Search skill roll opposed by the Shape Shifter's Wit (or Persuade +1D, whichever is higher).

Special: Degree of Success

Much like Alter Appearance, if using the Degree of Success Benefit rule, for each degree of success (every 5 points rolled over the TN) on the Shape Shifter's Epic skill roll to activate this feat, the Shape Shifter may add one additional pip to their opposed Wit or Persuade roll to avoid detection.

Animal Attribute: Might

Prerequisite: Organic life form
TN: 11
Duration: 10 rounds
Range: Self
Resisted: None

The Shape Shifter possesses might above and beyond their natural state. As a lycanthrope, they take on some of the abilities of their totem animal (i.e. Wolf, Bear, Panther, etc). This added power comes at a price and they are forced to reveal some of their animalistic nature.

A successful roll by the Shape Shifter on their Epic skill roll grants the Shape Shifter +1D to Might. As a result, for the duration of this feat the Shape Shifter is also given the Fearsome Visage complication.

A Shape Shifter's Fearsome Visage manifests on this Feat's activation in the form of extra body hair, a hunched back, yellowish eyes, and/or enlarged canine teeth. The exact nature is up to the player, but will not resemble a complete Hybrid Form.

Animal Attribute: Agility

Prerequisite: Organic life form
TN: 11
Duration: 10 rounds
Range: Self
Resisted: None

As Animal Attribute: Might, but the Shape Shifter gains +1D Agility with a successful Epic skill roll.

Heightened Hearing

TN: 11
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self
Resisted: None

The Shape Shifter is granted acute hearing, but at the expense of gaining the Marked complication. It's unclear exactly what the mark is, but individuals may notice something "off" about the Shape Shifter. This can result is ejection from an establishment, higher price, or just being targeted during combat.

On a successful Epic skill roll, the Shape Shifter is granted +1D to initiative and the Search (Listen) specialization at their Epic skill rating +1D.

Heightened Smell

TN: 11
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self
Resisted: None

The Shape Shifter is granted an extraordinary sense of smell at the expense of gaining the Marked complication. As with Heightened Hearing, the mark is unclear, but can have a number of adverse effects if noticed by others.

On a successful Epic skill roll, the Shape Shifter is granted the Track skill at their Epic skill rating +1D.

Hybrid Form

Prerequisites: Animal Attribute (Might or Agility)
TN: 16
Duration: Special
Range: Self
Resisted: None

The Shape Shifter is able to change their physical appearance to be a hybrid of their humanoid and animal totems, whatever that may be. On a successful Epic skill roll, the Shape Shifter is granted +1D to Might and Agility and gains the Fearsome Visage complication. In addition, the Shape Shifter's Move rating increases by 5.

The Fearsome Visage may take the form of a bipedal wolf, bear, panther, or other animal totem. At the GM's discretion, certain hybrid forms may also scale one level greater than the Shape Shifter's natural form.

Night Vision

TN: 11
Duration: Special
Range: Self
Resisted: None

The Shape Shifter is granted the ability to see in less than optimal lighting at the expense of gaining the Marked complication. As with Heightened Hearing, the mark is unclear, but can have a number of adverse effects if noticed by others.

On a successful Epic skill roll, the Shape Shifter can ignore penalties from low light/twilight, moonlit night, and complete darkness (or their equivalent).


Prerequisites: Alter Appearance, Alter Voice
TN: 23
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self
Resisted: Wit

The Shape Shifter has achieved a level of skill at which they are capable of mimicking a specific individual. The Shape Shifter can impersonate anyone they are familiar with on a successful Epic skill roll. Anyone attempting to detect the deception must succeed on a Wit roll opposed by the Shape Shifter's Epic skill roll to activate the Feat.

Example: Gabriel decides to impersonate the Arena Guardsman's captain to gain entry into the local jail and break out his sister. After spending a suitable period of time studying the captain from a distance, he rolls to attempt Impersonation, getting a 26. When Gabriel, posing as the captain, attempts to talk his way past the jailer, the jailer must make a Wit roll against a TN of 26. Failing the roll, means the guard is unable to see past Gabriel's disguise.