Welcome to The Editor's Wastebasket - a site dedicated to tabletop RPGs and a broad range of systems. I started this site when I was a prolific player of Palladium Books' games, the Rifts RPG in particular. Post-college, I played a mix of Palladium games and Dungeons & Dragons, Revised 3rd Edition (aka D&D 3.5). After that, things became a bit murky as I sought other systems and, in some cases, write some of my own titles (you should check out Apokalyptic Publishing if you're so inclined).

A Forever GM, I have been running all things Savage Worlds since 2008, with my gateway drug being 50 Fathoms (because who doesn't enjoy a great pirate-themed roleplaying game?). Since then, I've also played and run games using TinyD6 (Gallant Knight Games), AGE System (Green Ronin Games), and now spend my game planning time either running some of my favorite old settings using a new system (such as Dragonstar for D&D 3.5, but run using Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition and the updated Fantasy Companion) or cobbling together epic high fantasy adventures in my own setting (coming "soon" from Apokalyptic Publishing).

If you like what I'm doing here, you can buy me a coffee to support my efforts!

Tabletop RPG Resources



The Sunderborn Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.
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The Speaker Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Preserver Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Ironborn Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Guardian Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Earthblooded Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Dragonblooded Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Channeler Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Believer Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Beastborn Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

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The Avenger Heroic Path for Midnight is presented here as an archetype and Seasoned character for Savage Worlds.

MidnightSavage Worlds

Savage Age of Shadow

Setting Rules

Setting rules for the Savage Age of Shadow, updated for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and using Midnight: Legacy of Darkness as the source material.

MidnightSavage WorldsAncestries

Savage Age of Shadow

Ancestries of Eredane

The ancestries of Eredane, updated for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and using Midnight: Legacy of Darkness as the source material. This includes all the ancestries and cultural variants previously presented for the Savage Age of Shadow.

Hunter WarSavage WorldsArchetypes



This eccentric individual walks in a shadowy world governed by the Concilium Magi and prowled by creatures of the night. This archetype for the Hunter War mini-setting is presented as a Seasoned Savage Worlds character.

Hunter WarSavage WorldsArchetypes



Enforcers of the Concilium Magi's will, these characters are both capable warriors and deadly channelers. This archetype for the Hunter War mini-setting is presented as a Seasoned Savage Worlds character.

NightbaneSavage Worlds

Allies & Adversaries

Ba'al-ze-Neckt: The Nightlords

The top-end, biggest-of-bads: The Nightlords themselves. These seemingly god-like beings exert control over the very fabric of the universe and use it against their hated enemy, the Nightbane.

Hunter WarSavage WorldsArchetypes



An indispensable member of any great crew of hunters, necromancers excel at binding creatures, particularly spirits of the dead, and have been around the block. This archetype for the Hunter War mini-setting is presented as a Veteran Savage Worlds character.

NightbaneSavage WorldsNpcs

Minions of The Dark

Hunters & Other Minions

Aerial predators that prowl for Nightbane from the night skies above, Hunters work in concert with the Hounds to corner their prey.

Hunter WarSavage WorldsArchetypes


Monster Hunter

Foot soldiers, slayers, and hunters fighting to protect humans from supernatural predators and evil forces. This archetype for the Hunter War mini-setting is presented as a Seasoned Savage Worlds character.

NightbaneSavage Worlds

Minions of The Dark

Hounds & Hound Masters

The most common adversary a Nightbane cell is likely to face, Hounds are supernatural bloodhounds capable of tracking their adversaries in the worst conditions and their handlers are masters of deception and illusion.

Hunter WarSavage WorldsArchetypes


Fortune Teller

A mystic with a death wish and desire for vengeance against the forces of the supernatural that robbed them of their eyesight. This archetype for the Hunter War mini-setting is presented as a Seasoned Savage Worlds character.

NightbaneSavage WorldsArchetypes



Individuals that resisted the dominance of a master vampire, these blood-drinkers ally themselves with any who will help them hunt and destroy supernatural evil. This Seasoned archetype was designed for Nightbane using the Savage Worlds system.

Hunter WarSavage WorldsArchetypes



Consultants, private detectives, and con-men - this archetype could be any one of them in their role of protecting humans from evil supernatural forces. This archetype for the Hunter War mini-setting is presented as a Seasoned Savage Worlds character.

NightbaneSavage WorldsArchetypes


Sword Bearer

Chosen wielders of powerful ancient artifacts, these stalwart individuals carry on a legacy of war against The Dark. This archetype was designed for Nightbane using Savage Worlds.

Hunter WarSavage WorldsArchetypes


Arcane Detective

An arcane detective solves crimes and helps people. This archetype for the Hunter War mini-setting is presented as a Seasoned Savage Worlds character.