Heroic Realm of Regnum

The Heroic Realm of Regnum was originally printed in The Library of Bletherad, but was only briefly described. While this, and the other realms described, will likely see their own book in one form or another in the future, this realm intrigued me and I started to write what I envisioned on the world.

While this may not be the same as what Palladium Books has envisioned, I like it. Unfortunately, like many of my projects, it is currently incomplete and will likely sit idle until I get the itch to work on it again.

Regnum is a world teeming with magical energy and the land is ruled by a dozen empires. While the world has seen peace for over 10,000 years, there are some who would disturb this peace. Such was the case with my recent Palladium Fantasy campaign (details coming soon)

At present, I have only the overviews of some of the various kingdoms, but I (eventually) plan to add additional material on the Realm and finish overviews of the four kingdoms not yet described. I've also got a map up and running.

Heroic Realm of Regnum


Azrac is a kingdom inhabiting The Barrens, a region in the West that was blasted clean of greenery by marching armies and terrible dragons during the last war. It is only now beginning to recover. Pearls farmed off the Azrac coast account for the kingdom's wealth and allow it to purchase the…

Heroic Realm of Regnum


The kingdom of Daedala occupies the forests north of the Zarackis Mountains and east of Sunder's Vein. The oldest kingdom of the Realm, it is inhabited by the Elves and their allies. The kingdom, though it lost territory in the last war (over 10,000 years ago), has endured through countless…


Heroic Realm of Regnum

The Galvan Republic

The Galvan Republic is a kingdom of Dwarves and Gnomes existing in the cold tundra of the north. In the past, the region was rich in resources and food. Unfortunately, the seals have been hunted to the brink of extinction and what few mines do exist are nearly depleted. Formally, the Galvan…


Heroic Realm of Regnum

Golduk Empire

The Golduk Empire is a collective of Orc tribes allied under a single banner. Though Palladia scholars would argue that it is impossible for Orcs to be civilized, they have not yet come to Regnum. The Golduk Orcs, while considered civilized and currently at peace with the other kingdoms, remain one…


Heroic Realm of Regnum


This kingdom is one of the smallest, occupying only a single peninsula and three small islands. The Kingdom is broken into dozens of small fiefdoms resulting in very little cohesiveness and no central ruler. With the numerous fiefdoms so loosely allied, few of them would protect another were it to…


Heroic Realm of Regnum


Harrowheart is more a preserve or reservation than an actual Kingdom. During the last war, the Centaur clans aided Sussuria in its defense against Azrac. In return, the clans were given the plains between the two kingdoms, their ancestral homeland. Here the clans have ruled and wandered for ten…


Heroic Realm of Regnum


Krakus is lavishly wealthy kingdom occupying the plains and forests between Sunder's Vein and the Scarlet River north of the Zarackis Mountains. The humans of Krakus obtained their wealth during the last war and continuing to recent years through selling "servants" to nobles and rulers throughout…


Heroic Realm of Regnum

Lacao Confederacy

The Lacao Confederacy is a region of mountains and swamps ruled by the Dragon Lords. Few who venture in, even as diplomats, return. The Lacao Confederacy's Dragon Lords oversee their domain from a hidden council chamber in the Logurund Mountains. As dragons usually are, these Lords are protective…