
Example Nightbane Talents

This is intended to serve as inspiration when translating Nightbane Talents from the Nightbane RPG to Savage Worlds superpowers. It is non-exhaustive (i.e. it doesn't include an analog for every published Nightbane Talent) and these are not the only options. I only intend to provide context, flavor, and inspiration.

Alternative Nightbane Option

I've additionally included an alternate means of creating a Nightbane using Power Sets to represent their Facade and Morphus forms. This method really only works when you want to mimic a character with one of the few Talents available in the Nightbane's Facade/human form. In these situations, Power Sets are a good option.

Start by building the basic character by following the Character Creation rules. Be sure to include the Super Powers Edge, then make your Super Power selections according to the Power Level III (Rising Stars) rules - with both Power Sets having a reduced 22 Power Points available to build.

Power Set (8): Facade

  • Melee Attack (2): Str+d6.
  • Mind Shield (1)
  • Earthquake (2).
  • Scan (2): Darkness.
  • Slow (2): Additional Recipients (+2)
  • Super Attribute: Strength (+4). Vigor (+2). Requires Activation (-1).
  • Super Skill (6)

Power Set (8): Morphus

  • Melee Attack (2): Armor Piercing (+1). Str+d6, AP 2.
  • Earthquake (2). Strong (+2).
  • Super Attribute: Strength (+4). Vigor (+2).
  • Scan (2): Darkness.
  • Slow (2): Additional Recipients (+2)
  • Toughness (3)

The above power sets mimic the Channel Strength (Dark Designs), Blast Wave (Dark Designs; which has a higher activation cost in Facade), and Chronosphere (Dark Designs) Talents. In most cases, the feel of Nightbane can be maintained by creating a baseline human character with the Transformation (major) Hindrance and the standard 30 points of abilities to mimic these beings.

Sample Nightbane Talents


  • Environmental Resistance (1): Immunity (+2). Requires Activation (-1). Limitation (-2; each time this power is activated inflicts one level of Fatigue when it is deactivated and the character is Exhausted). Fatigue.
  • Power Type: Magic
  • Source: Dark Designs


  • Environmental Resistance (2), Immunity (+2), Requires Activation (-1)
  • Power Type: Magic

Ashes to Ashes

  • Ranged Attack (3): Charge (+1). Requires Material (-2; Requires a combustible object). Lethal (-1). Range 12/24/48, 2d6 damage.
  • Power Type: Magic, Fire
  • Source: Dark Designs

Blast Wave

  • Earthquake (2): Strong (+2).
  • Power Type: Magic, Force
  • Source: Dark Designs


  • Ranged Attack (6): Alternate Trait (+1; Athletics). Requires Material (-2; any inert substance). Area Effect (+2).
  • Power Type: Fire
  • Source: Dark Designs


  • Genius (2): Faster Learner (+1). Requires Activation (-1). Limitation (-2; requires an instruction manual to consume).
  • Power Type: Magic
  • Source: Dark Designs

Borrow Morphus

  • Copycat (10), Arcane (+2), Overly Accurate (-2)
  • Power Type: Magic

Brain Freeze

  • Stun (3): Strong (+2). Limitation (-2; humans only - cannot affect supernatural/magic creatures).
  • Power Type: Magic, Cold
  • Source: Dark Designs


  • Interface (2): Code Breaker (+1).
  • Super Skill (3): Thievery.
  • Power Type: Magic
  • Source: Dark Designs

Chain Lightning

  • Energy Control (5): Area Effect (+2). Limitation (-2; Damage only).
  • Power Type: Magic, Electricity
  • Source: Dark Designs

Channel Speed

  • Teleport (2): Limitation (-1; Cannot be transformed to Morphus).
  • Power Type: Magic, Darkness
  • Source: Dark Designs

Channel Strength

  • Super Attribute: Strength (+4), Vigor (+2). Requires Activation (-1). Limitation (-1; Cannot be transformed to Morphus).
  • Power Type: Magic, Darkness
  • Source: Dark Designs


  • Slow (2): Area Effect (+4). Linked (+2). Dodge (2). Parry (2).
  • Power Type: Magic, Temporal
  • Source: Dark Designs


  • Stun (3), Area Effect (+4; Cone)
  • Power Type: Magic, Sound


  • Ranged Attack (6): Charge (+1). Spread (+2).
  • Trappings: Magic, Darkness
  • Source: Dark Designs

Dark Edge

  • Melee Attack: Special Weapon (+2). Requires Material (-2; a carried weapon). Armor Piercing (+4). Weapon damage, AP 8.
  • Trappings: Magic, Darkness
  • Source: Dark Designs


  • Teleport (2), Portal (+2), Traverse (+3)
  • Trappings: Magic


  • Melee attack (2), Reach 1 (+1)
  • Power Type: Darkness, Magic

Infectious Control

  • Mind Control (5), Strong (+2), Contingent (successful attack - ranged or melee, depending on trapping)
  • Power Type: Darkness, Magic

Lightning Rider

  • Teleport (2), Traverse (+3), Limitation (-1; requires conductive material)
  • Trappings: Magic, Electricity

Mirror Sight

  • Remote Viewing (3; Titan Effect), Limitation (-2; requires a mirror and can only see the corresponding Nightlands location on the other side)
  • Trappings: Magic

Mirror Search

  • Remote Viewing (3; Titan Effect), Extended Range (+2; 10 miles), Limitation (-1; Mirror must be near the subject of the search)
  • Trappings: Magic


  • Obscure (4), Self (-1), Linked (+2), Environmental Resistance (1; Energy), Immunity (+2)
  • Power Types: Magic, Darkness


  • Precognition (3; Titan Effect), Premonition (+1)
  • Trappings: Magic

Reshape Facade

  • Chameleon (3)
  • Power Types: Magic

See Truth

  • Mind Reading (3), Strong (+2), Limitation (-1; line of sight; limited to identifying a true form)
  • Power Types: Magic, sight

Shadow Shield

  • Force Field (2), Life Support (+2), Requires Activation (-1), Linked (+2), Absorption (2; Biological), Additional Power Type (+1; Metal)
  • Power Types: Magic

Shadow Slide

  • Intangibility (5), Requires Activation (-1), Limitation (-1; two-dimensional)
  • Power Types: Magic, Darkness

Shadow Blast

  • Ranged Attack (6)
  • Trappings: Magic, Darkness

Sharing the Flesh

  • Healing (3), Restoration (+2), Requires Touch (-2), Limitation (-2; wounds healed are inflicted on the Wild Card)
  • Trappings: Magic

The Shroud

  • Invisibility (8), True Invisibility (+2), Requires Activation (-1), Limitation (-1; must begin out of sight/unnoticed)
  • Linked (+2), Malfunction (3), Area Effect (+4)
  • Trappings: Magic

Soul Shield

  • Mind Shield (1), Strong (+2)
  • Trappings: Magic

Splittin’ Image

  • Duplication (4), No Tell (+1), Limitation (-1; splits Nightbane and Morphus only)
  • Trappings: Magic

Storm Maker

  • Weather Control (7), Outdoor Only (-2)
  • Trappings: Magic


Savage Nightbane

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