
Savage Requiem

An Iron Kingdoms translation for Savage Worlds.

A first version of this translation is now available. This is a living document and will be updated periodically and we're adding other elements to the game. Feedback is accepted through the Savage Worlds Mastodon community or you can find us on Discord.

Over a thousand years ago, this land was a chaotic sprawl of warring human city-states. Everything changed with the arrival of the Orgoth, a cruel and expansionist human empire from overseas.  Their invasion reshaped western Immoren forever, paving the way for the rise of the Iron Kingdoms we know today. Now, the world is reeling in the aftermath of a new invasion by infernals known as The Claiming.

Explore abandoned regions slowly being reclaimed by the Deep Wilds. Battle against the lingering legacy of the Orgoth invasion. Command powerful automatons, known as warjacks, on the field of battle against warbeasts and their warlock masters. These stories and more using the Savage Worlds system.

1.2.6 - Savage Monsternomicon

Changed: Satyr armor reduced to +2

Changed: Dread armor reduced to +2

Changed: Added Shooting to Dregg stat block

Changed: Dregg Sunlight Sensitivity updated to for consistency (causes Distracted Condition)

1.2.2 - Savage Monsternomicon

Fixed: Devil Rat Swarm; Incorrect Toughness

Fixed: Infernal Horror, Lamenter; Incorrect Parry

1.3.6 - Savage Requiem

Added: Battle Chaplain (Devotee of Morrow) archetype

Added: Temple Flameguard (Cleric of Menoth) archetype

Updated: Combat alchemist archetype; uses Fantasy Companion gear, changed leather armor to Alchemist leathers

Updated: Duelist archetype: uses Fantasy Companion gear

Updated: Fell Caller archetype; uses Fantasy Companion gear

Updated: Gunfighter archetype; uses Fantasy Companion gear

Fixed: Gun Mage power list missing detect/conceal arcana

1.3.1 - Savage Requiem

Fix: weapon reference stats for Mage Hunter

1.3 - Savage Requiem

Change: Archetypes advanced to Seasoned as the baseline

Change: reduced basic steamjack chassis Toughness/Armor

Change: Mage Hunter Edge

Added: Borderlands diseases

1.2.1 - Savage Requiem

Change: simplified Deities

Change: fixed some grammar in Design Philosophy

1.2 - Savage Requiem

New sections: Ancestral Edges, Dragon Blight and Soul Magic setting rules

New Edges: Black Penny, Blight Mutation, Hide in Plain Sight, Nimble, Soul Vitality

New hazards: diseases, necrotic energy

New arcana: necrotic, chained power modifiers

Changed: Updated all archetypes to include ancestries.

Changed: Steamjack core abilities, added AP to steamjack punching spikes.

Changed: Updated to follow the PEG style guide.

Changed: Updated arcane backgrounds to use the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion.

Changed: Updated deities and domains for the updated Fantasy Companion.

Changed: Rune shot power modifiers.

Removed: Favored Foe and Shield Guard Edges. Use Favored Enemy and Defender from the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion.

Removed: Sound modifier for mind link. Use Sound and the Bellow modifier for Fell Caller.

1.2 - Savage Monsternomicon

New special abilities: Keen Senses, Mechanikal Construct, Pain Fueled, Shadow Stealth

New creatures: Everything in the Monsternomicon has a stat block, plus Scrap Mechanithrall, Slicer-Dicer, and Sovox the Resurrector.

Changes: Updated all stat blocks to follow the PEG style guide.

1.1 - Savage Monsternomicon

Added: Argus (Winter), Bog Trog, Bog Trog Trawler, Bog Trog Mist Speaker, Burrow-Mawg, Buzzard Beetle Swarm, Croak Hunter, Croak Sorcerer, Crypt Spider, Dracodile, Deep Drake, Fog Drake, Frost Drake, Sea Drake.

1.1.2 - Setting Rules

Revised Gobber, Iosan, Nyss, and Trollkin special abilities.

1.1.1 - Setting Rules

Changed: Setting Rules.

1.1 - Setting Rules


Savage Borderlands

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This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, Immoren, WARMACHINE®, Cygnar, Cryx, Khador, Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, HORDES, Trollbloods, Trollblood, Circle Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Grymkin, gun mage, warjack, warcaster, and warbeast and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. (