
Death by a Thousand Cuts

I first ran this adventure at Dragonflight 2024 in Seattle under the title The Case of the Slashing Swarm. Originally published by Privateer Press for free on their Web site, I present the stat blocks and additional rules to run it using Savage Worlds here.

Benjamin Stiles

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Faith d8, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5

Hindrances: Quirk, Armor Interference (minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Shaman), Favored Power (darkness), Warlock Resonance (Gutter Resonance)

Gear: Dagger (Str+d4), short sword (Str+d6)

Special Abilities

  • Controller (Gutter Resonance): Stiles is a warlock and can control Gutter Resonance warbeasts.
  • Fetish: Stiles wears a vermin skull on a chain around his neck. Subtract 2 from his arcane rolls if he is ever without this item.
  • Powers:Arcane protection, environmental protection, darkness, relief, smite. Power Points: 10

Wilbur, Albino Razorbat

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6

Pace: 1; Parry: 4; Toughness: 1


Special Abilities

  • Bite: Str+d4
  • Blindsense: Ignore invisibility, illusion, and all Illumination penalties.
  • Fearless
  • Immunity:Empathy, paralysis, poison, and Stunned.  Cannot be grappled or knocked prone.
  • Innate Powers:Stun (Sonic Shriek, Vigor, Medium Blast Template, once per encounter).
  • Keen Hearing: Razorbats gain +2 to Notice rolls related to hearing.

New Rules

New Edges

Gutter King/Queen

Requirements: Seasoned, Warlock Resonance (Gutter)

The character’s link to their vermin swarms is so strong it borders on fanatical devotion. When sharing the same space as their warbeast swarm, the warlock gets one free reroll on Soak rolls per round. Any soaked Wounds are applied to the Swarrm instead.

Gutter Resonance

The following warbeasts are available to characters with Controller (Gutter Resonance) ability (see Savage Iron Kingdoms and Savage Borderlands).

WarbeastAnimus PowersRank
Buzzard BeetleBolt (jump)Novice
Crypt SpiderDarksight, wall walkerSeasoned
Devil Rat SwarmEnvironmental protection (poison, disease), lower TraitSeasoned
Razor Bat SwarmDarkness, smiteNovice
VektissEntangle, wall walkerVeteran


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Savage Borderlands

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